Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Letter X (is fucking bullshit)

The letter X.  It’s the twenty-fourth letter of the alphabet.  It’s been used to mark buried treasure, as a symbol for sex, and to make things seem cooler than they actually are.

“Yeah, that’ll work.”

It’s also fucking bullshit.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Why Everyone Needs To Stop Hating On Bieber

RIDOUT: Hi there, everyone!  I’m here today with Justin Bieber.  How’s it going, Bieber?

Pictured: Bieber

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

How To Live Forever: Part I

We’ve all been in that awkward situation where you’ve accidentally climbed into the hippopotamus cage at the zoo and you start thinking to yourself, “Damn. I would be far less concerned about that horrifying beast walking towards me if I could just live forever.”

Seriously, so awkward...

Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Alien Perspective: Cars

To: The Intergalactic Imperial Alliance
From: Dr. Gargu Lak’tu
Date: Cycle 63/7 8829JB
Subject: RE: Your findings

Greetings, Great Ruler.  May the stars shine well upon your spawn.

As you know, I have spent the last intergalactic business year studying the strange creatures we call Earthlings, and at last I feel that I am ready to submit my findings to you.